Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Who is Ethel?

Ethel was my dear great grandmother whom sadly died before I was born.

My parents were going to call me Ethel Maude which is very sweet ,but sadly they didn't.

What were you going to be called if you were not given your current name?

Charity Shops

I feel terribly useless at this :/ 

Do you think that clothes in shops are not merely as nice as the things you see in charity shops?

I recently purchased 2 cake stands for the pprice of £3.50 which is not bad at all considering they sell the same Cake Stands in Fenwicks (posh store in Newcastle) for three times the price fore just one.

They are currently being used to show off the beautiful work by a ceramic artist that is sold at my work called Clare Gage. All the grannies comment on how well they are presented. I will make sure to take a photo of them for all you lovely people to see.

Ethel Maude 