Friday, 25 January 2013

Getting to know you..

11 Random Things
  1. I was born cross eyed.
  2. I still live with my parents
  3. I am a blackberry owner
  4. I can't walk in heels
  5. I wish I could accept my body
  6. I can't drink water it has to have cordial in it.
  7. I work in a gallery
  8. My younger sisters are both taller than me 
  9. I want to own a beagle
  10. I wear far to much black
  11. I suffer terribly from panic attacks
My 11 Questions for the Bloggers Below:
1.  What is the last movie you’ve seen? What did you think of it?
It was Resident Evil 5. I found it confusing but once my boyf had explained it to me I got tyhe jist of it.

2.  What has been your fave holiday? 
 Rome with my mum when I was 15 we went for 3 days and it was the longest i had spent with my mum. We came back & I had a tan.

3.  Talking about holidays.. what is a place that you really want to visit? I hate flying so possibly on a boat to the South of France with my close friends. 

4.  Do you like to cook? What’s your ‘signature dish’?
I love to cook and prepare soup as you can chuck anything in I also love my Angel Delight Cake as a treat. 

5.  Have you tried online dating? Any success?
Yes. I was successful in making a prat of myself.

6.  Are you a phone person? Talking on the phone I mean?
I am very conscious that the other person is laughing at me I would rather send them an email or meet them face to face. 

7.  If you could only shop clothes from one store for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
E of the Bay you can get EVERYTHING there and not worry :)

8.  Do you have many best friends or just one?
I don't consider myself to have a best friend but a series of close friends i go to for different things.

9.  Do you feel that you’re in your right career (or going towards one if you’re still studying)?
I do believe I am. I can be Creative & Business minded at the same time.

10.  Are you a creative person? How does this come across? (Painting, photography, music.. whatever.)
I use my work as a creative output. I like to create beautiful eye catching window displays. 

11.  Where is your happy place? Please describe it.
My happy place is when you are just drifting off to sleep aftering ticking off your mental to do list and I can finally have a restful nights sleep. 

Kathryn changed it to the Roman Numeral: II

Why do you blog - has this motive changed since you began?
I blog to try and get my ideas and thoughts into a place I can understand them better. You can see I am blogging lists that I use to calm me down.
What do you read blogs for? Has this changed since you began?
I read them to understand people better and for relaxation purposes. 

My 11 Questions
 What is your favourite childhood toy?

How did you find my blog? What would you like to see more on it?
Tagging: Anyone who would like to answer my two questions.

 Sorry for the appalling pic but I was frozen and it was snowing.

There are five rules:
1. Post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them
Picture: My work online photo - I was the only one to get a photo that was above waist, everyone else was shoulder and upwards!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

100 Things I want to do.

I took this from another blogger called Carla I have followed her blog for a few months after neglecting mine :(
 It is a simple list of things I want to do.

1.Leave 10 positive anonymous messages around Corbridge.(stolen from Carla)

2. Read more books

3. Volunteer at a festival

4. Go to Amsterdam and visit all the markets.

5. Blog at least once a week

6. Go to Brighton with my BF

7. See my friend Smell more.

8. Wear more colour

9. Learn how to apply concealer properly.

10. Say yes to more things.

11. Purchase a Mulberry Bayswater.

12. Set up a tea party.

13. Go to Barter Books .

14. Wear more lipstick.(worn lipstick/stain everyday since i blogged this)

15. Move in with my bf.

16. Go down a dress size or two

17. Learn to walk in high heels

18. Get my hair cut vvv.short ( far to self conscious to even go there)

19. Send a letter to all the important people in my life telling them three things i love aboiut them

20. Take my mum to a spa for the weekend

21. do a car boot sale(selling all my bags collected over the years)

22.Go swing dancing to a lovely place called "swung eight" held at the World Headquarters in Newcastlee

23. Learn how to do Victory Rolls.

24. Get a manicure (only person i know to have never had fake nails)

25. Go to a comedy night

26. Take more care in my appearance.

27. Go to Italy again.

28. Do a swap  online.

29. Host a tea party..

30. Take some of my own advise.

31. Take the dog for a walk at least once a week. .

32. Start up a cake club in the local town.

33. offer to volunteer at the local RSPCA .

34. Learn to drive. .

35. Not have a panic attack when I get asked to do asomething outside my comfort zone.

36. Go to a gig in london

37. Take my grandad to the bakery called Paul & eat copious amounts of bread.

38. Go camping in River Dart Country Park.

39. Release my inner geek & watch all the TMNT .

40. Tie dye a dress

41. Have a picnic by the beach

42. knit a pair of socks

43. try & finish this list.

44. Try and dush my room weekly.

45. Write in my diary every day.

46. Write one positive from every day and put it in my positivity pot.

47. Try & Make MB laugh .

48. Give someone a bouquet of flowers.

49. Register as an organ donor.(good one carla)

50. Have another cooking lesson with Rob Stewart.

51. Have a weekend in my pj's . (NOROVIRUS is awful)

52. Go to a present wrapping class.

53. Read  100 free things to do and do 3 of them.

54. Take my bf's young neices to Beamish.

55. Make a material pin board.

56. Make a cake in the Aga.

57. Go to the Vintage festival in leeds.

58. See Les Mis .

59. Start a Vlog.

60. Don't buy anymore make up til mine has been used up. .

61. Spend more time with my sister

62. Hire a mansion for the weekend and play hide and seek.

63. Curb my Eating.

64. Buy a new nice set of underwear.

65. Go up on stage again.

66. Buy a dream dress and diet til i can fit in it .

67. Read all the books in my 'to read pile'

68. Make my own perfume.

69. Watch all the films I have in my un watched pile.

70. Eat more oranges.

71. Meet a fellow blogger I have looked up to for a long time .

72. Buy a Polaroid Camera & Use it.

73. Go to Edinburgh & Visit all the nic nac shops.

74. Go to the local charity shop & buy the naffest piece of clothing & customise it.

75. Make a 30th present for my beautiful cousin emily.

76. Go to Gibside for the day.

77.Make Houmous from scratch.

78. Watch All the friends boxset over a week..

79. go to the dermatologist & find out why my skin is so poop.

80. Drink Sake.

81. Go to Japan & sing Karaoke.

82. Buy  a bean bag.

83. Have a massage .

84. Walk around Fenwicks & Not get lost.

85. Visit more cafes .

86. Wear/own Vivienne Westwood shoes.

87. Go to a dance class and not stand at the back.

88. Buy a fur coat.

89. purchase a barbour coat (purchased at the barbour outlet in south shields - bedale)

90. Watch Babe

91. Visit the Tate Modern

92. Get  a rescue dog (preferably a beagle) and name it Barry .

93. Do the Lottery.

94. Hold a conversation with an academic

95. Sell myself more.

96. Save for an exotic holiday.

97. Make myself the biggest wooly jumper i cheated and bought one for £3.50

98. smile at the person who avoids your eye.

99. talk to the person who looks shy in the corner of the room

100. Save £1 for every completed task.(keeping this one in as I like it )